Resolution Contents

The current draft of the strategic plan does not have a set of key performance indicators and metrics developed and finalized; therefore, be it that the Academic Senate endorse the seven Strategic Priorities and accompanying goals of the current draft plan, and be it further that the Academic Senate endorse the Strategic Implementation Plan in the current draft plan, and be it further that the Academic Senate encourage the Administration to allocate 50 adequate funding to achieve the plan and its targeted goals, and be it further that the committee for each priority should include student, staff, and faculty representatives that are drawn from the breadth of individuals from the university structure, and be it further that the administration will work with the BLRP committee to finish developing the key performance indicators for each strategic priority, to be completed by May 2019, and be it further that the Academic Senate call upon the Administration to have a final draft of the University's Strategic Plan completed by May 2019, which will include the strategic priorities, underlying goals, and the key metrics for the strategic priorities.

President's Response to Resolution

