Office of the President Scholarship | Office of the President and Provost | California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo


Submissions from 1997


Developing Course Materials Using The World Wide Web, Mike O'Kane and Jeffrey D. Armstrong

Submissions from 1995


The Teaching and Advising Portfolio: A Guide for NACTA Members, Bryce H. Lane and Jeffrey D. Armstrong

Submissions from 1994


Effect of Somatotropin and/or Equine Chorionic Gonadotropin on Serum and Follicular Insulin-Like Growth Factor I and Insulin-Like Growth Factor Binding Proteins in Cattle, R. L. Stanko, W. S. Cohick, D. W. Shaw, R. W. Harvey, D. R. Clemmons, M. D. Whitacre, and Jeffrey D. Armstrong

Submissions from 1992


Endocrine Events Prior to Puberty in Heifers: Role of Somatotropin, Insulin-Like Growth Factor-I and Insulin-Like Growth Factor Binding Proteins, Jeffrey D. Armstrong, R. L. Stanko, W. S. Cohick, R.B. Simpson, R. W. Harvey, B.G. Huff, D. R. Clemmons, M.D. Whitacre, R.M. Campbell, and E.P. Heimer


Effect of active immunization against growth hormone releasing factor on concentrations of somatotropin and insulin-like growth factor I in lactating beef cows, K. L. Moore, Jeffrey D. Armstrong, R. W. Harvey, R. M. Campbell, and E. P. Heimer

Submissions from 1990


Opioid control of growth hormone in the suckled sow is primarily mediated through growth hormone releasing factor, Jeffrey D. Armstrong, K. L. Esbenshade, M. T. Coffey, E. Heimer, R. Campbell, T. Mowles, and A. Felix

Submissions from 1988


Effects of Naloxone or Transient Weaning on Secretion of LH and Prolactin in Lactating Sows, Jeffrey D. Armstrong, R. R. Kraeling, and J. H. Britt

Submissions from 1986


Seasonal Differences in Function of the Hypothalamic-Hypophysial-Ovarian Axis in Weaned Primiparous Sows, Jeffrey D. Armstrong, J. H. Britt, and N. M. Cox