"Green Cloud Computing in Developing Regions: Moving data and processin" by Bruce Baikie and Laura Hosman


The Internet has provided an unlimited potential with access to ebooks, multimedia content, news, new ideas, and information access in general. Yet, due to poor broadband infrastructure and available grid power to support the Internet and ICT growth, the developing regions have actually been left even further behind. The basic requirements in any developing region (beyond clean water and food) are a reliable electric power grid, network infrastructure, education, jobs, and a stable government and banking system. Nothing works without the electric and network infrastructure in place. The sad fact is diesel generators are used to power everything in place of a stable power grid. The other sad fact is most of these countries have tremendous amount of wind or solar energy that can be used in place of imported fossil fuels. The developing regions in most cases are connected to the Internet; the question is how best to interconnect inside the regions and countries and move the data closer to the end user? We need a developing world approach, not our western model of bigger is better, ie over sized, energy hungry Data centers. Many papers have been written on how Cloud Computing will help the developing world by just lower ICT costs, yet this is a flawed theory. As the data, systems, telecommunication bandwidth, and people required still remain in the western world and its control. Moving processing and data closer to the user in the developing region plays an import role on three fronts; 1. Keeps needed jobs and systems ICT people in region, 2. Sidesteps high telecommunication bandwidth costs and network latency issues in and out of the region and 3. Quality of service: in region computing can remove a major points of network failure and potential bandwidth bottlenecks. Energyefficient computing cannot be achieved without the integration between computer science, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, and environmental science. Designing data centers for the developing regions require a vertically integrated efforts to drive key energy-efficient technologies in computing (cloud computing), electronics (low power CPUs and systems), and building systems (spot rack cooling, higher ambient temperatures, and natural convention cooling). Collectively, these technologies address very significant near-term and long-term energy challenges and environmental issues. What is that approach for developing region ICT, in region Green Cloud Computing, which is cloud computing using low power CPUs servers, and renewal energy and most important, which is closer to the end user. This paper presents an approach for a low energy use data centers using cloud computing designed for developing regions, powered with renewable energy.

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