Department - Author 1

Physics Department

Degree Name - Author 1

BS in Physics



Primary Advisor

Robert Holtzapple


The Cornell Electron Storage Ring Test Accelerator (CesrTA) is a particle accelerator acting primarily as a laboratory for studying accelerator physics under a variety of conditions. Here, the experimental program on electron cloud effects is one of the highest-priority research and development projects during the International Linear Collider (ILC) Technical Design Phase 1. These electron clouds are of particular concern for the design of future low emittance rings like those in the ILC because of how they can adversely affect the performance of accelerators. The impact of electron clouds on the dynamics of individual bunches along a train known as the tune indicate the magnitude of electron cloud growth within the accelerator. This paper provides explanation as to how these electron clouds are created, how they affect beam dynamics, as well as the techniques for calculating tune shifts for observing this phenomenon.

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Other Physics Commons
