College - Author 1

College of Science and Mathematics

Department - Author 1

Physics Department

Degree Name - Author 1

BS in Physics



Primary Advisor

Tatiana Kuriabova, College of Science and Mathematics, Physics Department


Many biological membranes can be modeled as two-dimensional (2D) viscous fluid sheets surrounded by three-dimensional (3D) fluids of different viscosity. Such membranes are dubbed quasi-2D as they exhibit properties of both 2D and 3D fluids. The Saffman length is a parameter that describes the energy exchange between the membrane and bulk fluids and controls the cross-over from 2D to 3D hydrodynamics. We aim to model diffusion-driven aggregation of particles embedded in a quasi-2D membrane. It is known that hydrodynamic interactions between solute particles significantly reduce their aggregation rate in 3D fluids. It is expected that in quasi-2D membranes the reduction of the aggregation rate will be even more pronounced due to a slower spatial decay of hydrodynamic interactions in 2D. We perform computer simulations to study the aggregation rate of solute particles as a function of the Saffman length.
