College - Author 1

College of Science and Mathematics

Department - Author 1

Physics Department

Degree Name - Author 1

BS in Physics



Primary Advisor

Katharina Gillen


Many types of quantum systems are being explored for use in quantum computers. One type of quantum system that shows promise for quantum computing is trapped neutral atoms. They have long coherence times, since they have multiple stable ground states and have minimal coupling with other atoms and their environment, and they can be trapped in arrays, making them individu- ally addressable. Once trapped, they can be initialized and operated on using laser pulses. This experiment utilizes a pinhole diffraction pattern, which can trap atoms in both bright and dark areas. To maximize trap strength, an injection-locked laser amplification system is used to provide a high-power, precisely tunable light source for the diffraction pattern. This amplification system depends on the coupling between a “seed” laser and a “receiving” laser. In previous analyses of the coupling between these two laser diodes, the effects on injection locking when varying temperature and current of both lasers have been shown to be highly nonlinear, and few general trends have been identified. In this project, in order to optimize and better characterize the system, automation of the data-taking and varying parameters was implemented. High efficiency lock zones of laser currents and temperatures were identified, and these locking zones will allow us to create strong atom traps for our experiment.
