
Quantum computing is rapidly becoming a practical technology, driven by new and advanced quantum systems, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. For neutral atoms as a host system, the natural advantage of long lifetimes is limited by decoherence mechanisms like light scattering. In this work, we computationally investigate a blue-detuned one-dimensional optical dipole trap array to reduce light scattering by holding atoms in minimum light intensity regions. The array consists of two counter-propagating Gaussian beams of differing widths, such that light walls from the larger beam radially confine the standing wave generating the dipole traps. We find this system is viable for neutral atom quantum computing and able to produce similar trap properties to the traditional red-detuned case, but with lower laser power. It also features added versatility from the tunable beam waist ratio, and the ability to reduce light scattering, by twenty times in one example we present. Generally, there is a tradeoff between the scattering rate and the number of viable traps formed. This design is promising for transporting atoms, as a complimentary technique to two- and three-dimensional trap arrays for storing atoms.



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