Recommended Citation
Postprint version. Published in Nuclear Physics B (Proceddings Supplement), Volume 150, January 1, 2006, pages 214-218.
NOTE: At the time of publication, the author Thomas Gutierrez was not yet affiliated with Cal Poly.
The definitive version is available at
In the last 10 years bolometers have become extremely powerful detectors in the search for rare events, due to their very good resolution. Cuoricino, a 62 bolometer array, in the first months of activity reached a resolution (average in all detectors) in the energy region of interest (2528 keV) of 7 keV and a limit on the tn1/2 of the process of 7.5·10n23y. Cuoricino’s 62 detectors constitute the biggest number of macrobolometers (790 g each) ever cooled and demonstrate the feasibility of large arrays of bolometers. Following the indication of Cuoricino in CUORE R&D a new detector has been developed trying to improve the reproducibility of the detector’s performance, to increase the single detector mass (to reduce the number of channels) and to simplify the experiment assembly. The latest results are presented.
2006 Elsevier.