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This poster presents information about the town’s infrastructure, including the many town facilities before the fire: one police station, four fire stations, and Feather River Hospital. There is also information about public services, including transportation, water, gas, sewer, and waste management. Of these, the issues of transportation and sewage treatment are most significant for the future development of the town.

Given the low-density development that prevails in Paradise, public transportation before the fire was severely limited; there were only two bus routes, one along Skyway and the other along Clark Road. Most people had long walks to bus stops, and so, most travel was by private automobile.

Most pressing for Paradise’s future is the need for a sewer system; before the fire, the town relied on over 11,000 individual septic tanks to treat and dispose of wastewater by homes and businesses. The use of each site was therefore limited to what could be disposed on each site.



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