"Rangeland Oak Regeneration, Rehabilitation, and Conservation in Varian" by Tiffany Lappinga and Ivy Ku

College - Author 1

College of Agriculture, Food and Environmental Sciences

Department - Author 1

Natural Resources Management and Environmental Sciences Department

Degree Name - Author 1

BS in Forestry and Natural Resources

College - Author 2

College of Agriculture, Food and Environmental Sciences

Department - Author 2

Natural Resources Management and Environmental Sciences Department

Degree - Author 2

BS in Forestry and Natural Resources



Primary Advisor

Walter Mark, College of Agriculture, Food and Environmental Sciences, Natural Resources Management and Environmental Sciences Department


Since the majority of oak woodlands are currently under private management, it is important to educate landowners about the importance and value of preserving this unique type of forest, especially in California. The study region takes place in Varian Ranch, Arroyo Grande, California. This project aims to promote the health of rangeland oaks with a three-pronged approach: regeneration, rehabilitation, and conservation. Common issues associated with the decline of oaks include, but are not limited to, invasive/exotic plant species, changes in land use, overgrazing, and soil compaction. This project hopes to address some of these issues, as well as revitalize previous efforts by adjusting existing cages, adding new cages to seedlings, increasing community outreach, and sparking collaboration among students and residents in order to continue stewardship efforts.
