Natural Resources Management and Environmental Sciences | College of Agriculture, Food and Environmental Sciences | California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo

Natural Resources Management and Environmental Sciences Department faculty research focuses on ethical and data-driven sustainable management, protection, and restoration of land resources related to soil, water, forests, range, wildlife, and related environmental values.

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Submissions from 2021


Assessing Stream-Aquifer Connectivity in a Coastal California Watershed, Bwalya Malama, Devin Pritchard-Peterson, John J. Jasbinsek, and Christopher Surfleet

Submissions from 2014


Classification of Plot-Level Fire-Caused Tree Mortality in a Redwood Forest Using Digital Orthophotography and LiDAR, Brian D. Bishop, Brian C. Dietterick, Russell A. White, and Tom B. Mastin


Theory of transient streaming potentials in coupled unconfined aquifer-unsaturated zone flow to a well, Bwalya Malama


Investigation of thermochemical biorefinery sizing and environmental sustainability impacts for conventional supply system and distributed pre-processing supply system designs, David J. Muth Jr, Matthew H. Langholtz, Eric CD Tan, Jacob J. Jacobson, Amy Schwab, May M. Wu, Andrew Argo, Craig C. Brandt, Kara G. Cafferty, Yi-Wen Chiu, Abhijit Dutta, Laurence M. Eaton, and Erin M. Searcy


Leadership - A Lifetime Quest for Excellence, Douglas D. Piirto


Life-cycle Water Quantity and Water Quality Implications of Biofuels, May Wu, Zhonglong Zhang, and Yi-Wen Chiu

Submissions from 2013


Investigation of biochemical biorefinery sizing and environmental sustainability impacts for conventional bale system and advanced uniform biomass logistics designs, Andrew M. Argo, Eric CD Tan, Daniel Inman, Matt H. Langholtz, Lawrence M. Eaton, Jacob J. Jacobson, Christopher T. Wright, David J. Muth Jr., May M. Wu, Yi-Wen Chiu, and Robin L. Graham


Considering Water Availability and Wastewater Resources in the Development of Algal Bio-Oil, Yi-Wen Chiu and May Wu


The water footprint of biofuel produced from forest wood residue via a mixed alcohol gasification process, Yi-Wen Chiu and May Wu


The Burning Question: Why is Fire Season Becoming Worse?, Christopher Dicus


Compressed Air Foam and Structural Firefighting Research, Christopher Dicus, Thomas Korman, Casey Grant, Steve Lohr, Dan Madrzykowski, Fred Mowrer, Chris Pascual, and Dan Turner


Recognizing and modeling variable drawdown due to evapotranspiration in a semiarid riparian zone considering local differences in vegetation and distance from a river source, Brady Johnson, Bwalya Malama, Warren Barrash, and Alejandro N. Flores


Core-scale solute transport model selection using Monte Carlo analysis, Bwalya Malama, Kristopher L. Kuhlman, and Scott C. James


Variability in effect of climate change on rain-on-snow peak flow events in a temperate climate, Christopher G. Surfleet and Desirèe Tullos

Submissions from 2011


Using FORSEE and Continuous Forest Inventory Information to Evaluate Implementation of Uneven-aged Management in Santa Cruz County Coast Redwood Forests, Douglas D. Piirto, Scott Sink, Dominic Ali, Steve Auten, Christopher Hipkin, and Reid Cody


Road Runoff and Sediment Sampling for Determining Road Sediment Yield at the Watershed Scale, Christopher G. Surfleet, Arne E. Skaugset III, and Matthew W. Meadows

Submissions from 2010


Trends in Soil Science Education and Employment, J. Havlin, N. Balster, S. Chapman, D. Ferris, T. Thompson, and T. Smith


Uncertainty Assessment of Forest Road Modeling with the Distributed Hydrology Soil Vegetation Model (DHSVM), Christopher G. Surfleet, Arne E. Skaugset III, and Jeffrey J. McDonnell