College - Author 1

College of Liberal Arts

Department - Author 1

Music Department

Degree Name - Author 1

BA in Music



Primary Advisor

Alyson McLamore, College of Liberal Arts, Music Department

Additional Advisors

Chris Woodruff, College of Liberal Arts, Music Department


The focus of this project is to examine the extra-musical associations within the early symphonies of Austrian conductor and composer Gustav Mahler, and how they shifted through rising conflicts regarding programmatic versus absolutist music. Mahler was a late Romantic composer of orchestral music who incorporated complex and massive themes in his works, including love, the natural world, and the meaning of life and death. My goal is to analyze the extramusical material in each of the early symphonies to examine the common themes and motivic elements implemented, as well as track Mahler’s shift in compositional techniques. There are many traceable similarities throughout the symphonies, including Mahler’s use of thematic connections, Austrian folk music, dance styles, stories, and connections between symphonies.



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