College - Author 1
College of Liberal Arts
Department - Author 1
Music Department
Degree Name - Author 1
BA in Music
Primary Advisor
Julie Herndon, College of Liberal Arts, Music Department
“Waving at you, from the inside of your house” is a collection of songs and a snapshot of my musical and artistic ability as a college student. Each song is a short story. It is not a concept album, as the individual stories are not connected in any way. The only thematic connection across all of the songs is their existence as short stories. The production is an exercise in trial and error. Rather than planning out intentional arrangements, we elected to throw things at the wall and then refine the mess that we’d made, hoping that it adds to the emotion of the lyrics.
The Tall Man.mp3 (5627 kB)
Kid on the Road.mp3 (4679 kB)
Coffee or Tea.mp3 (3971 kB)
Epilogue.mp3 (1450 kB)
Item available for download from library premises only.