
Creation Date
Winter 1-2009
Concert flyer for "A Night at the Mission"
Cartoon-style image of white moon and stars on violet background
Cal Poly Student Ensembles to Play an Evening of Chamber Music At Old Mission Church
SAN LUIS OBISPO -- Several of Cal Poly's finest student ensembles will perform traditional and contemporary chamber music at 8 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 7, in the Old Mission Church in San Luis Obispo.
Performing at this annual event will be the Wind Quintets, Wind Dectet, Saxophone Quartets, Trombone Choir, Clarinet Quartet, String Quartet, Brass Quintet and Brass Ensemble.
Tickets are $8 and $10 and can be bought at the Performing Arts Ticket Office from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday and 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday.
To order tickets by phone, call 756-2787 (SLO-ARTS). A 10 percent discount is given to patrons who buy season tickets to four Music Department events through the Performing Arts Ticket office; a 15 percent discount is given on tickets to five or more events.
Tickets may also be purchased at the door the night of the concert.
For more information about the concert, contact the Cal Poly Music Department at 756-2406 or "A Night at the Mission" is sponsored by the Cal Poly Music Department, College of Liberal Arts and Instructionally Related Activities program.