College - Author 1

College of Liberal Arts

Department - Author 1

World Languages and Cultures Department

Degree Name - Author 1

BA in Spanish



Primary Advisor

Silvia Marijuan, College of Liberal Arts, World Languages and Cultures Department


The purpose of this project is to discover the effects that the COVID-19 pandemic had on the study abroad experience of American students participating in a study abroad program in Lyon, France during the 2019-20 academic year, and to evaluate possible impacts on and changes in the future of study abroad in consideration of their experiences and the pandemic. These students were subject to an early departure from France when their in-person program was shut down by the rising pandemic in March 2019. Participating students were interviewed about this early departure, the measures taken by the study abroad provider in response to the situation, and their thoughts about necessary or possible changes to such programs in light of what they experienced. Participant responses and opinions are evaluated, and the main trends observed throughout the interviews are discussed. Participant responses and opinions also influenced the conclusions drawn. The COVID-19 pandemic has inevitably created the need for study abroad programs to adapt in order to continue operating. Recommendations and possible changes are offered that these programs should or might implement in response to the pandemic and its effects on the world and students who study abroad.
