College - Author 1

College of Liberal Arts

Department - Author 1

Modern Languages and Literatures Department



Primary Advisor

Karen Muñoz Christian, William Martinez Jr.


This project follows the collaboration of California Polytechnic State University’s departments of City & Regional Planning and Modern Languages and Literatures. Every year, the CRP department updates the General Plan of cities in California. This year, the classes have chosen two communities that have mostly Spanish speaking citizens: San Joaquin and Santa Maria. In order to facilitate communication, the CRP department has teamed up with the MLL department to provide Spanish translations of the surveys, recommendations, and presentations in relation to changes in the community. I, along with another MLL student, Kelsey Turner, were given the opportunity to assist these two classes with every aspect of the surveying and presenting. We were given flyers, posters, surveys, and presentations to translate, assisted in facilitating discussions, and questioned the community members directly about the preferences for their cities. Quickly, we realized our participation was essential due to the overwhelming amount of Spanish speakers who had influential opinions about the changes that are happening or that should happen in their community. Santa Maria expressed main concerns with activities, and San Joaquin desired more economic stability. By 2040, the goals in the General Plan that are designed to fix these problems will ideally have been realized, and due to this project, will reflect the desires of the community as a whole.
