Department - Author 1
Mechanical Engineering Department
Degree Name - Author 1
BS in Mechanical Engineering
Primary Advisor
Sarah Harding
This project consisted of designing and fabricating a competition sit ski for an above-knee double-amputee, Andy Soule. Andy is a talented athlete who won a bronze medal in the 2010 Winter Paralympics. The project was completed by VinayClauson, Kyle Martinez, and Ben Woodward, mechanical engineering seniors at California Polytechnic State University in San Luis Obispo, CA. The project advisor, Professor Sarah Harding, and sponsor Dr. Brian Self, of the Mechanical Engineering Department at Cal Poly, oversaw the project with the help of Jon Kreamelmeyer, a former coach of Andy's and a valuable source of knowledge. The sit ski project was funded by the National Science Foundation. We were also in contact with Andy since the ski was custom made for him. Our goal was to produce the lightest, most competitive sit ski to aid Andy in his quest to be the best. The stakeholders in this project were Brian Self, Jon Kreamelmeyer, Andy Soule, and the National Science Foundation.