College - Author 1

College of Engineering

Department - Author 1

Mechanical Engineering Department

Degree Name - Author 1

BS in Mechanical Engineering

College - Author 2

College of Engineering

Department - Author 2

Mechanical Engineering Department

Degree - Author 2

BS in Mechanical Engineering

College - Author 3

College of Engineering

Department - Author 3

Mechanical Engineering Department

Degree - Author 3

BS in Mechanical Engineering

College - Author 4

College of Engineering

Department - Author 4

Mechanical Engineering Department

Degree - Author 4

BS in Mechanical Engineering



Primary Advisor

Eltahry Elghandour, College of Engineering, Mechanical Engineering Department


This report details the redesign of the Mini Train Prop for the SLO Civic Ballet’s The Nutcracker, aiming to create a lighter, more user-friendly, and easily maneuverable train. The Final Design Review (FDR) includes the design process, manufacturing plan, and justifications for decisions made. Key improvements are reducing the train's weight, automating the fake wheels, and enhancing maneuverability with a neutral pin and lever system. In this report we detail the significant changes since the Critical Design Review (CDR). The implementation covers procurement, manufacturing, and assembly, while design verification ensures compliance with cost, weight, turn radius, and structural integrity specifications. Testing confirmed the redesigned train meets all requirements. The document concludes with project outcomes and recommendations for further improvements. Finally in the appendix a user manual, risk assessment, final project budget, design verification table, and testing procedures can be found.

ME_S2024_F45_Video.mp4 (132406 kB)
Project Video

ME_S2024_F45_Poster.pdf (1789 kB)
Project Poster

ME_S2024_F45_SOW.pdf (2638 kB)
Scope of Work

ME_S2024_F45_PDR.pdf (15355 kB)
Preliminary Design Review

ME_S2024_F45_CDR.pdf (6565 kB)
Critical Design Review

ME_S2024_F45_Drawings.pdf (4001 kB)
Drawing Package
