"Surf Sled 2.0" by Troy I. Feinstein

College - Author 1

College of Engineering

Department - Author 1

Mechanical Engineering Department

Degree Name - Author 1

BS in Mechanical Engineering



Primary Advisor

Eileen Rossman, College of Engineering, Mechanical Engineering Department


This Preliminary Design Review documents the complete detail of our final design and justifies that our specifications were met. For our senior project though California Polytechnic University, we were assigned a design and build challenge from the company AmpSurf. The project was sponsored by the Founder of AmpSurf, Dana Cummings, and involved designing and manufacturing a fully functional Surf Sled. The objective was to safely carry a physically impaired AmpSurf client across the sand on a surfboard and launch them into the ocean. The goal for our team was to improve upon a previous design, Surf Sled 1.0, to be given feedback from Mr. Cummings and the volunteers who operated it. This document highlights our new design and the critical components that allow for smoother and more efficient operation than the previous version. This includes a new turning system, frame design, bunk design, and wheel system. The manufacturing processes used have been discussed in great detail, along with our testing results. Overall we were very pleased to present a successful verification prototype to our sponsor following our senior expo. This report also details what we have learned throughout the design and manufacturing processes and how we plan to apply it to future projects.

ME_S2023_F22_Video.mp4 (25291 kB)
Project Video

ME_S2023_F22_Poster.pdf (714 kB)
Project Poster

ME_S2023_F22_SOW.pdf (1142 kB)
Scope of Work

ME_S2023_F22_PDR.pdf (1357 kB)
Preliminary Design Review

ME_S2023_F22_CDR.pdf (2024 kB)
Critical Design Review

ME_S2023_F22_Drawings.pdf (2894 kB)
Drawing Package
