Mechanical Engineering Department faculty research is multidisciplinary, integrating concepts and methodologies from academia and industry.

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Submissions from 1997


A Model For General Periodic Excitation With Random Disturbance and its Application, Y. K. Zhou, Z. K. Hou, M. F. Dimentberg, and Mohammad N. Noori

Submissions from 1996


Distributed Activation Energy Model of Heterogeneous Coal Ignition, John C. Chen


Random Response to Periodic Excitation with Correlated Disturbances, Zhikun Hou, Yunshen Zhou, Mikhail F. Dimentberg, and Mohammad N. Noori

Submissions from 1995


Observation of Laser Ignition and Combustion of Pulverized Coals, John C. Chen, Masayuki Taniguchi, and Kazuyuki Ito


Optimization of Expanded Polypropylene Foam Coring to Improve Bumper Foam Core Energy Absorbing Capability, Gregory Frederick, Gregory A. Kaepp, Conrad M. Kudelko, Peter J. Schuster, Friedrich Domas, Udo G. Haardt, and Werner Lenz

Submissions from 1994


Ignition and Combustion Properties of Pulverized Coal Suspended in Laminar Upward Flow Under High Heating Rate Condition, Masayuki Taniguchi, John C. Chen, Kiyoshi Narato, Kazuyuki Ito, Hiroshi Miyadera, and Kazuhiko Kudo

Submissions from 1991


The Use Of A High Level CFD Code In Engineering Education, J.E.S. Venart, P. Lemieux, A.C.M. Sousa, and D. Tatchell