Recommended Citation
Published in Association of College and Research Libraries 2013 Proceedings: Indianapolis, IN, April 10, 2013, pages 575-582.
Academic libraries have been slow to capitalize on the benefits of peer learning in basic information literacy instruction. This paper strongly advocates for the deployment of undergraduate session-leaders in basic instruction. Although the fundamental argument is based on the proven pedagogical advantages of peer learning, several important additional benefits are also outlined. As the few documented instances in which undergraduates have been so employed provide extremely limited evaluative data to support the premise that undergraduates can deliver solid instruction, this paper also attempts to begin filling that gap by sharing several sets of data. Generated throughout the implementation of peer-led sessions at California Polytechnic State University in San Luis Obispo, the mixed methods for evaluation include self-reported data from faculty instructors and student attendees, aggregated attendee pre-test and post-test results, and even the simple and dramatic increase in requests for sessions. The paper also touches on how such data can be used to generate further traction for such an instruction program.
Library and Information Science
2013 Brett B. Bodemer.
Publisher statement
Published by Association of College and Research Libraries.