"The Deconstruction of a Study: Toward More Effective Evaluation of Res" by Jose A. Montelongo


Information literacy modules produced by academic libraries to facilitate the research process typically use the criteria of relevance, timeliness, reliability, coverage and accuracy to assess the various information resources undergraduate students use to write research reports. These same criteria are applied to the wide spectrum of research sources that may range from popular magazines to research journal articles.

In the field of Cognitive Social Psychology, many research questions necessitate the use of psycholinguistic stimuli (word lists, paired-associates, sentences, stories, etc.) as their treatments. This paper investigates the ability of information literacy modules based on the standards set forth by the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) to assist students in evaluating empirical studies investigating social cognitive behavior.

A study of social balance schemas was deconstructed and analyzed. Using the evaluation module based on ACRL standards, this study was evaluated as relevant, reliable, authoritative, and accurate. Similarly positive assessments of the study have been reached by experts in the field of social cognitive psychology. However, the evaluation of the study using questions grounded in experimental methodology and a basic understanding of psychological theory and statistical methods proved to be contradictory. A new set of analytical questions for evaluating research studies using psycholinguistic materials was generated from the errors in the experimental study.


Cognitive Psychology | Library and Information Science


URL: https://digitalcommons.calpoly.edu/lib_fac/13