"Swanton Pacific Ranch: Student Research Bibliography" by Jeanine Marie Scaramozzino, Cameron Anvari et al.


Swanton Pacific Ranch (SPR) is a 3,200-acre ranch in Santa Cruz County, California, outside the town of Davenport. The ranch is an educational and research facility owned by the Cal Poly Corporation and managed by the California Polytechnic State University (Cal Poly) College of Agriculture, Food and Environmental Sciences. SPR is a learning laboratory that employs Cal Poly’s Learn By Doing philosophy. Many students have completed research projects at SPR but no complete list of student projects exists.

This bibliography includes Cal Poly authored student research and those co-authored with Cal Poly faculty and staff. Documents include senior projects, master’s theses, class projects, reports, and more. Though this bibliography is the most comprehensive to date, it is not exhaustive. The purpose of this document is to provide researchers with citations for difficult to locate gray literature.

A number of resources were used to collect these citations, including DigitalCommons@CalPoly, Cal Poly’s library catalog, physical documents located at Swanton Pacific Ranch, and citation lists provided by Cal Poly staff and faculty. The citations include as much detail as available and the information was not edited or updated. The following document types are included: a “Senior Project” is a course or sequence that many departments require for a student to earn a bachelor's degree; a “Master’s Thesis“ is the product of a systematic study of a significant problem; a “Class Project” corresponds with a specific class the author took during the author's time at the university; and a “Case Study”, “Special Problem”, or “Report” involves detailed research on a specific subject.

Please note that names of departments and classes have changed over time, and there are also name variations for some locations (ex. “Scott” Creek, “Scotts” Creek, “Scott’s” Creek). Missing citation information is noted by the following abbreviations UN (unknown document type), ND (no department listed), and DU (date unknown).


Library and Information Science

Number of Pages



URL: https://digitalcommons.calpoly.edu/lib_fac/124