College - Author 1

College of Agriculture, Food and Environmental Sciences

Department - Author 1

Experience Industry Management Department

Degree Name - Author 1

BS in Recreation, Parks, and Tourism Administration



Primary Advisor

Jafrā Thomas, College of Science and Mathematics, Kinesiology and Public Health Department


The student author performed a follow-up analysis of an end-of-term reflection essay, in a course that discussed sport and gender, specifically on how sport relates to gender equity and inclusivity issues on micro and macro levels (2022 Fall Quarter, KINE 323: Sport & Gender, Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo). The present submission is a subsequently revised, and improved-upon, write-up of the student author’s KINE 323 term paper (reflection essay), which was revised post-course during the 2023 Winter & Spring Quarters. Through this submission, the student reflects on what he has learned about the following topics covered in the course on sport and gender: i.e., sports history, coaching and administration, feminist theoretical perspectives (e.g., perspectives from radical feminist theory, Black feminist theory), and the experiences of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and intersex (LGBTQ+) individuals in sports. This reflection essay shows how dialogues and research regarding these topics forced the student author to recognize discrepancies in equality, equity, and inclusion existing in sports, historically, and within his own life. Additionally, through this submission, the student author reflects on how taking KINE 323 has led him to contemplate his position in the interrelating worlds of sports and gender. The ultimate aim of this submission is to create, and or, promote ongoing dialogue focused on fostering positive change, using a reflective analysis of sport and gender by one who identifies as a White, heterosexual, cisgender male and who aspires to positively impact his community through sport.
