College - Author 1

College of Science and Mathematics

Department - Author 1

Kinesiology and Public Health Department

Degree Name - Author 1

BS in Public Health



Primary Advisor

Jafra D. Thomas, College of Science and Mathematics, Kinesiology and Public Health Department


The purpose of this experiential senior project workshop was to advance the knowledge and practice of health communication by (a) delivering a training workshop to Cal Poly undergraduate students and (b) by exploring the relationship between health literacy and effective communication through completion of a rapid review of the literature. The reviewed literature served the purpose of helping the student further design the workshop to elicit a foundational understanding of the elements of effective communication of health information as well as the history and evolution of health literacy as a concept. The workshop revised and delivered by the student was first developed by Dr. Jafrā Thomas (2020) with the stated goal to provide undergraduate students with an awareness of health literacy, the role of plain language in promoting health literacy, and to equip students with practical skills for effectively communicating health information to a lay adult audience. This submission presents the student reflection on their experiential project, the rapid review of literature produced by the student, the elements identified for a successful workshop on the topic, evaluation and analysis of participant pre-and post-workshop surveys, and finally, suggestions for ways to improve the workshop which was guided by the student’s review of literature and experiential reflection. After the conclusion of the workshop, student participants were successfully able to define health literacy and identify at least two tips for effective communication of health information. Some proposed improvements for future workshop revisions include the addition of personal anecdotes and health-related case studies.
