College - Author 1

College of Science and Mathematics

Department - Author 1

Biological Sciences Department

Degree Name - Author 1

BS in Biological Sciences

College - Author 2

College of Science and Mathematics

Department - Author 2

Kinesiology and Public Health Department



Primary Advisor

Jafra D.Thomas, College of Science and Mathematics, Kinesiology and Public Health Department


Resources at or below the 8th grade reading level is key if behavioral resources are to support end-user health literacy, a strong predictor of prevention-oriented health behaviors and health risk. To understand how readability issues effect physical activity resources, we performed a systematic review of the kinesiology literature. A sample of 18 original studies was obtained (M publication date=2010, SD=7.45), which on average reported public resources exceeded the 8th grade reading level by at least two grades. Thematic analysis resulted in 14 general ways material readability could be easily improved. Project findings will be discussed and next steps presented.
