
In this paper, we advocate infusing diversity training across physical education teacher education (PETE) programs and curricula (DeSensi, 1995). Specifically, we call for PETE programs to provide curriculum content and professional socialization experiences that enhance intercultural sensitivity to better prepare novice teachers for working effectively with students of various cultures and ethnicities (DeSensi, 1995; Hodge, 2003). We discuss (a) changing demographics in society and schools with implications for preparing teachers, (b) moving from ethnocentricism to ethnorelativism of intercultural sensitivity, (c) implementing NCATE diversity initiatives, (d) infusing diversity training in PETE programs, and (e) understanding physical activity and sport participation patterns of a diversity of learners and athletes. We also provide some closing arguments for implementing diversity training in PETE programs.



Publisher statement

Published by Taylor & Francis. This is an electronic version of an article published in Quest.

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