College - Author 1

College of Liberal Arts

Department - Author 1

Journalism Department

Degree Name - Author 1

BS in Journalism



Primary Advisor

Tony Prado, College of Liberal Arts, Journalism Department


The following study explores the lack of gender parity in the film industry and dives into the nuts and bolts of what makes up female representation in the industry. It also explores the potential a national organization like Women In Film has on a university campus. Despite the majority of people believing women make up nearly half of the film industry, the reality is that only 23% of the key behind-the-scenes roles in the film industry are occupied by women. Since 1998 up to the year 2020, female representation has only grown by 6% (17% in 1998 to 23% in 2020), while it actually needs to grow 25% every five years for gender parity to be reached by the year 2100 (Women In Film 2020). Women In Film is a national organization that advocates and supports female filmmakers across the nation through education, funding, and networking. As of now, Women In Film is available for anyone to join but could be expanded to universities to bring focus to the next generation of female filmmakers. With the programs already in place, Women In Film could inspire and educate young people on the realities of the industry and help them navigate the disproportionality challenging industry.
