""The Hoof" Satire Column: Humorous Critiques for Student News Engageme" by Hannah M. Benson

College - Author 1

College of Liberal Arts

Department - Author 1

Journalism Department

Degree Name - Author 1

BS in Journalism



Primary Advisor

Tony Prado, College of Liberal Arts, Journalism Department


The following study investigates how to develop and maintain a satire column within a university newspaper in order to increase news-related engagement within a student body. The changes within the media are growing exponentially and the California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo (Cal Poly) student who developed “The Hoof” saw the need for satirical content created by students, for students. The column’s focus was to create and publish entertaining and informative articles concerning Cal Poly-related issues. With scholarly research, the intent of the column aims to mimic the style of well-known satirists and follow the principles of public journalism, in an effort to captivate college students. This paper addresses the need for public journalism’s values to be administered through current satirical mediums in order to support the general public. The importance of localizing humor within a satire column is addressed, and explained are the issues that may arise with a lack of public understanding of satire’s form and the generational divide of news. There is a focus on properly educating the student body on the column’s mission to effectively entertain its readers.
