College - Author 1

College of Engineering

Department - Author 1

Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering Department

Degree Name - Author 1

BS in Manufacturing Engineering

College - Author 2

College of Engineering

Department - Author 2

Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering Department

Degree - Author 2

BS in Industrial Engineering

College - Author 3

College of Engineering

Department - Author 3

Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering Department

Degree - Author 3

BS in Industrial Engineering



Primary Advisor

Tali Freed, College of Engineering, Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering Department

Additional Advisors

Jill Speece, College of Engineering, Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering Department


Since medical data has gone digital there has been a lack of standardization among wearable devices for managing the data. Evidation Health is a company that collects biometric data from a wide variety of wearable devices through their app, Achievement. Evidation is built upon a foundation of user privacy and control over permissioned health data. This project is in partnership with them, focusing on creating a standard data model and ETL tool for sleep and step data across the wearable devices Fitbit, Apple Watch, and Oura Ring. There is not yet a successful standardization for this health data, and the current system is not efficient for data analysis within Evidation or in collaboration with other companies. The public stands to benefit from this project because a successful standardization would make this data more efficient for analysis and in turn better aid with understanding disease and human health.
