College - Author 1
College of Engineering
Department - Author 1
Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering Department
Degree Name - Author 1
BS in Industrial Engineering
Primary Advisor
Tao Yang, College of Engineering, Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering Department
BoltAbout is a young start-up based out of San Luis Obispo, CA. Their primary business is renting out bikes via monthly-subscription with the opportunity to lease to own. BoltAbout has seen great success over the past 2 years and is looking to expand. The company currently has 200 bikes, but the demand is far outweighing the supply. The CEO of BoltAbout hopes to grow to grow the company’s inventory to 500 bikes by the end of 2017 and 1500 by the end of the school year. As the company continues to expand, it will need to be able to accurately track their increasing assets and start looking at historical data to forecast future sales. The objective of this project is to create a database that will be able to track their assets, produce accurate forecasts, and monitor customer history. Utilizing Microsoft Access allows a user to be able to access all information in one convenient location. This means that user interface will be a large factor in determining the success of this project. This database will need to be updated in the future to adjust to future demand so having a solid relational database base to build upon is crucial. Designing these tables and forms requires the information to be easily recorded and accessed. Ultimately, the database was a success by fulfilling the objectives set out by BoltAbout. It was also successful in being simple, user-friendly and efficient. At the very end of the project, BoltAbout decided to not go forward in uploading their tables to the cloud. Hence naturally, there will be concerns regarding the resilience of this database and the limitation of one user at a time. However, the importance of these two things can be assessed over time and easily implemented by another student or professional after this senior project is completed.