"Improving Advertisement Recognition and User Interface of Gameofwarrea" by Chad Kihm and Alexander Meyer

Department - Author 1

Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering Department

Degree Name - Author 1

BS in Industrial Engineering



Primary Advisor

Reza Pouraghabagher


The purpose of this experiment was to determine which location of advertisement would be the most recognized on the Game of War Real Tips website and to improve the website’s user interface by using both quantitative and qualitative data. To accomplish this, two experiments were created. The first experiment was designed to determine which location of advertisement would be recognized most by users. A screen would flash for 0.5 seconds and the subjects would mark where they believed they recognized an advertisement. A statistical analysis was completed to determine whether the location of the advertisement had an effect on the recognizability of the advertisement. The second experiment was designed to simulate the typical user experience on the website. Subjects were asked to complete a series of tasks: find the most recent post and open it, find the most popular post and open it, find and open the "Tip Archive", then open a post about "Troops"', search the website for articles on "defense", find and open the "Hero Gear Tool", find and open the "Troop Calculator", go back to the main page. A repeated measures model was used to analyze the data and provide feedback based on times and clicks of the experiment. Also, the percent of successful and failed steps were analyze to see which steps need to be made simpler. This feedback along with the quantitative responses from the test allowed for several recommendations to be made in order to increase the design and usability of the website. The two zones with the highest scores were at the top center of the website just below the banner, and a few inches below the top of the right sidebar. When looking at UX & UI, the two largest areas of feedback were that www.gameofwarrealtips.com needs to add a Home button on the menu bar, and increase the visibility of the most popular posts.
