Department - Author 1

Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering Department

Degree Name - Author 1

BS in Industrial Engineering



Primary Advisor

Sema Alptekin


The goal of the Strider Project is to create a mobility device that can support a person with weakened leg strength and enable them to be supported and maintain a standing position. A prototype of the Strider was created by three Mechanical Engineering students as their senior project. The topic of this senior project was to analyze and create a manufacturing process for the manufacture of the Strider that will be ergonomic and cost effective.

There were many things that needed to be accomplished in order to create the manufacturing process. The first step was to verify that the prototype design was the best it could be. After verifying the design the next step was to create the Bill of Materials for the Strider. This helped to determine the different sub assemblies, and which parts go into each. It also enabled the documentation of each part cost, shipping costs, and lead times, which was needed to find the total cost for the product. The next step was to get price quotes from manufacturers, which helped to create the Bill of Materials and compare prices for each part. It was also very important to create a forecast demand. This is because I needed to know how many of each part was needed for the manufacturing process, and when they would be arriving. The final step was to create the manufacturing process.

After all of the above steps were created the following was concluded. The process would run as a kanban or pull system due to different constraints. The total cost for creating the product including inventory, labor, part, shipping, and other miscellaneous costs came out to thirteen hundred and forty five dollars. Also, each product would take approximately one point eight hours to create.

STRIDER Title Page.doc (23 kB)

Strider Abstract.doc (25 kB)
