Department - Author 1

Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering Department

Degree Name - Author 1

BS in Industrial Engineering



Primary Advisor

Tali Freed


The Week of Welcome (WOW) is a part of Cal Poly’s Orientation Programs. One of the main objectives of WOW is to provide content to new students on a variety of different topics in the form of Awareness Presentations. The problem being addressed in this paper is that of assigning the orientation groups of incoming students to these Awareness Presentations so that they have a schedule that meets all of the necessary criteria. The most important of those requirements is schedule balance and flexibility for future use. This scheduling problem is solved through the use of operations research and binary integer programming. Since the times and locations of the presentations for next year’s WOW are currently undecided, this project uses past data from last year’s WOW to build a model that will serve as the foundation for future years. This paper details several solutions to last year’s presentation schedule and conducts comparative analysis among the proposed solutions, as well as the existing process.
