Horticulture and Crop Science faculty work side by side with students on a broad array of research and studies in these specializations: Environmental Horticultural Science, Fruit and Crop Science, or Plant Protection Science.

Modified from aeps.calpoly.edu


Submissions from 1998


Influence of Ground Cover on Spider Populations in a Table Grape Vineyard, Michael J. Costello and Kent M. Daane


Can Cover Crops Reduce Leafhopper Abundance in Vineyards?, Kent M. Daane and Michael J. Costello


The Biology of Nonfrugivorous Tephritid Fruit Flies, David H. Headrick and Richard D. Goeden

Submissions from 1996


Mechanical Conditioning for Controlling Excessive Elongation in Tomato Transplants: Sensitivity to Dose, Frequency, and Timing of Brushing, Lauren C. Garner and Thomas Björkman


Commercial Adaptations of Mechanical Stimulation for the Control of Transplant Growth, Lauren C. Garner, Allen F. Langton, and Thomas Bjorkman


Behaviors of Female Eretmocerus sp. nr. californicus (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae) Attacking Bemisia argentifolii (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae) on Cotton, Gossypium hirsutum, (Malavaceae) and Melon, Cucumis melo (Cucurbitaceae), David H. Headrick; Thomas S. Bellows, Jr.; and Thomas M. Perring


Host-Plant Effects on the Behavior of Eretmocerus sp. nr. Californicus Females Raised from Melon, David H. Headrick; Thomas S. Bellows, Jr.; and Thomas M. Perring


Issues Concerning the Eradication or Establishment and Biological Control of the Mediterranean Fruit Fly, Ceratitis capitata(Wiedemann) (Diptera: Tephritidae), in California, David H. Headrick and Richard D. Goeden


Comparative Biologies of the Cryptic, Sympatric Species, Trupanea bisetosa and T. nigricornis (Diptera: Tephritidae) in Southern California, Khouzama M. Knio, Richard D. Goeden, and David H. Headrick


Descriptions of Immature Stages of Trupanea nigricornis and T. bisetosa (Diptera: Tephritidae) from Southern California, Khouzama M. Knio, Richard D. Goeden, and David H. Headrick


Description of the Male Ceranisus Americensis (Girault) (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae), Serguei V. Triapitsyn and David H. Headrick

Submissions from 1994


Living Mulches Suppress Aphids in Broccoli, Michael J. Costello and Miguel A. Altieri