"The Complexity of Substantive Reform: A Call for Interdependence Among" by Michelle D. Young, George J. Petersen et al.


The field of educational leadership faces serious challenges in the 21st century. To name but a few, these challenges include the shortage of principals and superintendents, the growing demands of leadership positions, the struggle for adequate resources, the increasing trend to seek leaders from outside of education, and the content and effectiveness of school leadership preparation and professional development. Although each of these challenges could be viewed as separate issues that warrant sustained and serious attention, it is also important to point out their interdependencies. Like many issues confronting our nation today, the challenges facing educational leadership are complex and interconnected.

This paper explores the challenges facing educational leadership from the position of university educational leadership preparation. The approach we take looks inward and outward, seeking to understand the complex factors and interconnections that support and detract from quality leadership preparation. In this manuscript, we approach the terrain of educational leadership as geographers might approach a valley. We explore contexts in terms of the factors that produce them and interdependencies with other issues and contexts.



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