Recommended Citation
Published in Journal of Research for Educational Leaders, Volume 1, Issue 2, Spring April 1, 2002, pages 21-43.
All material within the Journal of Research for Educational Leaders, unless otherwise noted, may be distributed freely for educational purposes. If you do redistribute any of this material, it must retain this copyright notice and you must use appropriate citation, including the URL, HTML and design by JREL, © 2007.
NOTE: At the time of publication the author George Petersen was not yet affiliated with Cal Poly.
This study analyzed perceptions regarding newly created facilities to staff and student needs and the enhancement of learning. Inclusion of future occupants in the planning was rare. This study investigated: 1. perceptions of the educational structure’s ability to meet the programming needs of students; 2. perceptions of the building’s impact on the academic achievement of students; 3. the role of evaluation in planning of the school building; 4. perceptions regarding the responsiveness of the facility; and, 5. differences in perception between the participating districts. Findings indicate significant differences in perceptions regarding the responsiveness of the new facility. Responses revealed district size was a critical factor in the use of a facility task force. Formal evaluations of building designs were conducted only after the buildings were occupied.