College - Author 1

College of Liberal Arts

Department - Author 1

Graphic Communication Department

Degree Name - Author 1

BS in Graphic Communication



Primary Advisor

Hocheol Yang, College of Liberal Arts, Graphic Communication Department


Brands that have been around for decades or are iconic to their specific area of expertise, either clothing, food, or accessories, have all had their share of logo and branding redesigns. Whether the changes were because of a shift in brand values or an update to modernize, some form of rebranding seems to be inevitable for any company to remain relevant. The company Hoyt Archery, currently has two different branding looks, one for hunting and the other for target archery, each with their own website and their own landing page visual layout. Comparing the two, Hoyt lacks brand cohesiveness across its platforms making it confusing for inexperienced or new customers to navigate the brand’s two websites. Directing Hoyt to develop a branding guideline for both lines of products will help establish a cohesive identity for the brand and allow for better brand recognition and memory.

Available for download on Saturday, March 17, 2029
