College - Author 1
College of Liberal Arts
Department - Author 1
Graphic Communication Department
Degree Name - Author 1
BS in Graphic Communication
Primary Advisor
Hocheol Yang, College of Liberal Arts, Graphic Communication Department
As an avid cook, I take pleasure in experimenting with new dishes and exploring diverse flavor combinations. However, I currently lack an organizational system for my recipes, as most of them remain unwritten. Unfortunately, when friends and family ask me to share my recipes, I often confuse them and make it difficult for them to follow the steps correctly with my verbal explanations. To address this issue, I have decided to compile my recipes into a cookbook that will serve as an organized and easy-to-reference collection. This will enable me to easily alter and share my recipes with others. The completed project includes a cover design, a color palette, various typefaces, and two recipe page designs which will serve as a foundation for future recipes as I continue to augment the book.