College - Author 1

College of Liberal Arts

Department - Author 1

Graphic Communication Department

Degree Name - Author 1

BS in Graphic Communication



Primary Advisor

Ken Macro, College of Liberal Arts, Graphic Communication Department


Sustainable practices go beyond reducing, reusing, and recycling in the physical world. In the digital world, design has a high environmental impact, so the choices designers make can eat up electricity and raise their carbon footprint. Therefore, designing low-carbon sites through UX, imagery, and color, and using a sustainability host is very beneficial for both usability and the environment. The ClimateMusic Project is a non-profit organization that aims to raise climate change awareness through music. This organization seeks to reduce their carbon footprint as well as help raise awareness through their Take Action web page. For my senior project I will help them reach this goal by redesigning their website to be more sustainable and user friendly. This will also come with a branding guide to be used across all their platforms. I will also work to increase the activity on their Take Action page by redesigning it and creating an animated logo to generate brand awareness. To check the results, I plan to track the insights and activity on these pages as well as run the new website through an ecograder/ carbon emitter for websites.
