College - Author 1

College of Liberal Arts

Department - Author 1

Graphic Communication Department

Degree Name - Author 1

BS in Graphic Communication



Primary Advisor

Hocheol Yang, College of Liberal Arts, Graphic Communication Department


For professors, creating in-person curricula that effectively communicate their message is a part of the job. The rise of Covid-19 showcased how much online learning differs from these classroom lectures (van Harsel, 2022). Soon, professors began to realize the difficulties in designing effective media outside of the classroom that communicated the same messages.

Tre Muraki’s Senior Project is influenced by this present-day issue. He sees the potential in using his Graphic Communication skills to assist the professors of Cal Poly SLO’s Mechanical Engineering Department in communicating their classroom curriculum in multimedia formats such as graphics, animations, and videos. When designing effective learning activities it is important to have a media that supports the absorption of various information (Lies, 2011). These multimedia formats are meant to engage the students and assist them in understanding the subjects being taught.

Tre hopes to help improve students' ability to use these different forms of media to benefit their learning. In completion, Tre will have produced a set of graphics and videos to be utilized in the classroom and more importantly online.

This Project leveraged the idea that these different media formats cultivated meaningful content and holds the viewers' attention in an educational environment.

Available for download on Sunday, December 05, 2027
