Department - Author 1

Graphic Communication Department

Degree Name - Author 1

BS in Graphic Communication



Primary Advisor

H. Levenson


When starting a business in the Graphic Communication field, capital is nearly always needed to purchase equipment as most of these graphics based businesses require state of the art computers, printing presses, and large facilities to conduct business. Such expenses can range from a few thousand to a few million dollars. While some might have previous experience procuring business capital, many have none. Being that these items are crucial to starting a business in the Graphic Communication industry, capital is a keystone to success. This study addresses the problem of how to optimize efforts when seeking capital through bank loans and venture capital firms for an inexperienced entrepreneur. Through elite and specialized interviews with those directly in charge of granting such capital, this study provides guidance for the aforementioned entrepreneur. In summary: one must meet basic lending requirements and prove value to the lending intuition to increase chances of being granted capital.
