College - Author 1
College of Liberal Arts
Department - Author 1
Graphic Communication Department
Degree Name - Author 1
BS in Graphic Communication
College - Author 2
College of Liberal Arts
Department - Author 2
Graphic Communication Department
Degree - Author 2
BS in Graphic Communication
Primary Advisor
Ruoxi Ma, College of Liberal Arts, Graphic Communication Department
Additional Advisors
Lyndee Sing Small, College of Liberal Arts, Graphic Communication Department
We created a branding and design campaign for the Take Flight music festival on campus. The project covered many aspects of event creation and marketing such as name, logo, content creation, social media, printed media, vendor outreach, and administration outreach. All these pieces had to work together to create a strong and cohesive brand image for this event which would help ensure a successful turnout and event overall.
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- Downloads: 105
- Abstract Views: 70
Included in
Advertising and Promotion Management Commons, Communication Commons, Graphic Design Commons, Illustration Commons, Marketing Commons, Music Performance Commons, Other Business Commons, Other Music Commons