Graphic Communication Department faculty is composed of well-known researchers, writers, consultants, and industry scholars whose research specializes in design and production of aesthetically pleasing graphic and digital media, brand and market awareness, best practices in visual communications, and art and economics of printing management.
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Submissions from 2015
An Affordance-Based Methodology for Package Design, Javier de la Fuente PhD, Stephanie Gustafson, Colleen L. Twomey, and Laura Bix
Measuring the effect of affordances on a crash cart medicine packaging, Javier de la Fuente, Daniel Tachibana, Kristen Leemon, Christine Liu, Colleen L. Twomey, Soma Roy, Laura Bix, and Scott Bisheff
Consumer Perception of Tactile Packaging, Malcolm G. Keif, Colleen Twomey, and Andrea Stoneman
Printing transparent grid patterns with conductive silver ink with flexography, Colleen Twomey, Xiaoying Rong, Liam O'Hara, Charles Tonkin, and Malcolm Keif
The affect of versioned package design on various demographics, Howard E. Vogl, Colleen L. Twomey, Kristen Dang, and Alexis B. Kelsey
Submissions from 2014
Development of MnO2 cathode inks for flexographically printed rechargeable zinc-based battery, Zuoqian Wang, Rich Winslow, Deepa Madan, Paul K. Wright, James W. Evans, Malcolm Keif, and Xiaoying Rong
Submissions from 2013
Development and manufacture of printable next-generation gel polymer ionic liquid electrolyte for Zn/MnO2 batteries, R. Winslow, C.H. Wu, Z. Wang, B. Kim, M. Keif, J. Evans, and P. Wright
Submissions from 2012
Setup Reduction for Flexo Printers, Malcolm G. Keif
Color Measurement on Substrates with Optical Brightening Agents, Howard E. Vogl and Malcolm G. Keif
Submissions from 2011
Submissions from 2009
Green is not really lean, Kevin Cooper
Handling work done outside, Kevin Cooper
What Lean Means for Printers: Reducing Setups and Makereadies is Just the Beginning, Malcolm G. Keif
Submissions from 2008
G7™ Method for Flexographic Press Calibration, Michael Bayard, Xiaoying Rong, and Malcolm Keif
Don't let your firm lose its soul, Kevin Cooper
ERPS are no simple fix, Kevin Cooper
Pitfalls of copying industry leaders, Kevin Cooper
The best go back to basics, Kevin Cooper
What's in your concept tool cart?, Kevin Cooper
If Only I Could Learn More..., Malcolm G. Keif
Making Superior Plates Every Time, Malcolm G. Keif
Pre-Registering Print Cylinders on Press, Malcolm G. Keif
From Gutenberg to Juan Doe: The Dulling of Quills, The Inking of Fingers, and the Bluing of Collars, Ken Macro
G7 Method for Indigo Press Calibration and Proofing, Xiaoying Rong
Single Curved Fiber Sedimentation Under Gravity, Xiaoying Rong, Dewei Qi, Guowei He, Jun Yong Zhu, and Tim Scott