"Solar Energy Research Center- Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory!" by Shellie Prescott



Degree Name

MS in Fire Protection Engineering


College of Engineering


Frederick Mowrer and Christopher Pascual


This report covers both a prescriptive and performance-based review of fire and life safety systems for the Solar Energy Research Center at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. The primary subjects covered are egress, fire alarm systems, and sprinkler systems. A unique feature and focal point for this report is the SERC east exit stair. This stair was originally designed as a glass atrium, but for various reasons cannot be utilized as an atrium. The east exit stair has a special VESDA detection system, is the most remote location for the sprinkler system, and is a primary exit for all three stories of the building. In addition, this exit exits to the exterior on the second floor. Due to the original design as an atrium, the second floor landing of the exit is a large open floor space that tenants could potentially try to utilize as storage or assembly space. The performance-based model consists of the east exit stair and evaluates how promptly the fire systems activate to notify occupants and contain the fire to the exit stair.

Prescott- Cal Poly FPE Final Presentation.pdf (4210 kB)
Final Presentation





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