

Degree Name

MS in Fire Protection Engineering


College of Engineering


Frederick Mowrer and Christopher Pascual


The purpose of this report is to analyze the fire and life safety aspects of the Cold Machine Shop located on the central coast of California. This report includes both a prescriptive and performance based analysis.

The prescriptive analysis will evaluate the building as follows, to ensure compliance with standard codes: 1)Egress analysis and design using NFPA 101, "Life Safety Code", 2)Fire detection, alarms, and communication systems using NFPA 72, "National Fire Alarm and Signaling Code", 3)Water-based fire suppression systems using NFPA 13, " Standard for Installation of Sprinkler Systems" and NFPA 14, " Standard for the Installation of Standpipe and Hose Systems", and 4)Structural fire protection using the International Building Code.

Based on the results of the prescriptive based analysis of this building, only one issue was found with the building. The building met all requirements for egress, water based suppression and structural fire protection. However, one inadequacy was found in the volume of the alarm / notification system in the shop area. While it is believed that the alarms would provide sufficient volume for the actual noise conditions in this area, the inadequacy could easily be remedied by installing an additional 2-3 alarm/notification devices. No other changes or improvements would be recommended at this time.

The performance based analysis will evaluate the building using an egress modeling program, a fire sprinkler modeling program, and against separate design fires using FDS modeling.

During the performance based analysis, it was determined that a fire in the second floor conference room would not inhibit occupants from having the required time exit while tenability conditions are met for two of the four exits from this floor. The analysis of the shop area pallet fire did show that visibility and temperature would become unacceptable at one exit before everyone exited the building, however the remaining six exits were tenable throughout the simulation. Wood pallets could be disallowed in the building, as they have been in other areas on site, to reduce any risk further. They could be replaced with metal pallets and avoid this hazard altogether. Overall the building was found to be in satisfactory condition and designed appropriately.

This report fulfills the completion requirement for the Fire Protection Engineering program at Cal Poly for a Master's of Science.

Kline- Final Presentation- Redacted.pdf (6778 kB)
Final Presentation



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