Volume 14, Issue 1 (2018)
Full Issue
Front Matter
A Note from the Department Head
Michael R. Boswell
A Note from the Editor
Vicente del Rio
A Planner's Perspective: Mindful Leadership in Troubled Times
William W. Riggs
Eulogy for W. David Conn
William Siembieda
Peer Reviewed Contributions
The Conversable Scale of Cities
Lineu Castello
Active Transportation and Perceptions of Safety: A Case Study of a Regional Trail and a Transit Corridor in Salt Lake City, Utah.
Ivis Garcia Zambrana and Shabnam Khan
Urban Economics by Design: Thinking from Down Under
Kobus Mentz and Susannah Goble
From Downtown to the Inner Harbor: Baltimore's Sustainable Revitalization - Part 2: The Inner Harbor Plan (1967 to 2005)
Vicente del Rio
The Rio Games Legacy in Mobility: Challenges Beyond Infrastructure
Simone C.R. Silva, Carlos E.G. Maiolino, and Jacqueline A. Torres
The Culture of Windows
Ivor Samuels
Between the One and the Other
Aruane Garzedin
Deconstructing Howard through the Lens of Hall: Lessons from the Garden City Reformer
William W. Riggs
Faculty and Student Work
Successful Planner/Developer Collaborations for “Workforce” Housing in California
Hemalata C. Dandekar
Sketching in the CRP Department
Vicente del Rio
Shaping a Vision for Old Town Newark
Hemalata C. Dandekar, David Christie, and Gabriel Ward
Urban Design Visions for Riverside, Paso Robles
Vicente del Rio and Hemalata C. Dandekar
Developing a Resiliency Index for CSU Campuses
William Siembieda
Conversations with Alumni: Nadege Dubuisson
Nadege Dubuisson

- Managing Editor
- Vicente del Rio
- Peer-Review Section Editor
- Amir Hajrasouliha
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