Finance | Orfalea College of Business | California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo

Faculty in the Orfalea College of Business conduct research that advances theory, informs practice, and improves our understanding of the complex interface between technology, human behavior, organizations and markets. Their research addresses real-world problems, involves students when appropriate, influences public and regulatory policies, and contributes to experiential-based learning. The departmental areas promote and maintain a multitude of opportunities for industry to advise and further the interests of students and faculty.

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Submissions from 2014


Improving Asset Price Prediction When All Models are False, Garland Durham and John Geweke

Submissions from 2013


Risk-neutral Modeling with Affine and Nonaffine Models, Garland Bennett Durham

Submissions from 2010


Aesthetic Style as a Postructural Business Ethic, John Dobson

Submissions from 2005


Momentum Investing: The Case of High-Tech IPOs, Sanjiv Jaggia and Satish Thosar


Survival Analysis with Artificially Constructed Events, Sanjiv Jaggia and Satish Thosar

Submissions from 2001


An analysis of second time around bankruptcies using a split-population duration model, Arindam Bandopadhyaya and Sanjiv Jaggia

Submissions from 1999


An Analysis of the Factors that Influence Student Performance: A Fresh Approach to an Old Debate, Sanjiv Jaggia and Alison Kelly-Hawke