College - Author 1

College of Agriculture, Food and Environmental Sciences

Department - Author 1

Experience Industry Management Department

Degree Name - Author 1

BS in Recreation, Parks, and Tourism Administration



Primary Advisor

Brian Greenwood, College of Agricultural, Food, and Environmental Sciences, Experience Industry Management Department


Social media has become a popular form of communication in recent years due to the prevalence of mobile devices. This has prompted companies to implement platforms such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter into their marketing strategies to better reach customers. The purpose of this study was to compare and contrast the social media marketing strategies of select hotels on the Las Vegas strip. The Cosmopolitan and The Venetian hotels were selected for this study. The study strategically analyzed the Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter pages for both hotels utilizing a comparative analysis guide developed by the researcher. It was concluded that both hotels lack the ability to engage their followers. Recommendations to combat this issue include integrating more promotions into Twitter posts and creating more entertaining content that will identify with a larger portion of the target audience.
