College - Author 1

College of Agriculture, Food and Environmental Sciences

Department - Author 1

Experience Industry Management Department

Degree Name - Author 1

BS in Recreation, Parks, and Tourism Administration



Primary Advisor

Brian Greenwood, College of Agriculture, Food, and Environmental Sciences, Experience Industry Management Department


With spirit consumption on the rise, it has become increasingly important for alcohol companies to craft a unique brand and strategically market themselves towards their target consumers in order to stand out amongst their competitors and drive their product sales. The selected alcohol companies for this study, Cutwater Spirits and Los Sundays, are both relatively new, yet well-known, alcohol brands. The purpose of this study was to examine the marketing and branding strategies of Cutwater Spirits and Los Sundays. Through comparative analysis and an instrument developed by the researcher, data were collected on the companies’ branding strategies including packaging, logo, and mottos, as well as marketing strategies including their Instagram, website, and television advertisements. The results of this study show Cutwater Spirits’ and Los Sundays’ effective branding and marketing strategies as they appeal to the modern consumer lifestyle and cultivate company success.

Included in

Marketing Commons
